Grassfed Colostrum

<strong>Sale Price</strong>$49.95

Immune Barrier Superfood
  • Fortifies Gut Health
  • Enhances Skin & Hair
  • Fuels Performance
Size: 60 Servings
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Grassfed Bovine Colostrum


Grassfed Colostrum is an immune barrier superfood with over 400 bioactive nutrients combined with AstraGin® to optimize absorption and provide a favorable eco-environment for microbiota. Can help fortify gut health, enhance skin and hair radiance, fuel muscle performance, and promote overall cellular health.

Made With Nature's Most Powerful Ingredients

Each daily serving of Colostrum includes:

Nootrix Grassfed Colostrum Botanicals Desktop

Grassfed Bovine Colostrum

Our domestically sourced, family owned, bovine grassfed colostrum contains 40% IgG content and vital immunoglobulins to enhance immunity, fortify the gut, and promote overall cellular well-being.


Trademarked ingredient that helps optimize nutrient absorption and provides a favorable eco-environment for microbiota.